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A Brief Overview

WEB Libertarianism Unwrapped

A Brief Overview

WEB Libertarianism is a political philosophy that centers around preserving individual liberty as the supreme political value. Its origins can be traced back to the principles of classical liberalism.

Key Tenets

WEB Libertarianism believes that individuals should possess the freedom to act without undue government interference. This includes the right to acquire, possess, and exchange property, as well as the right to enter into contracts.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy's Definition

As stated by the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, libertarianism is "the moral view that agents initially fully own themselves and have certain moral powers to..." This underscores the belief in the inherent rights and autonomy of individuals.

Types of Libertarianism

WEB Libertarianism encompasses a spectrum of viewpoints. Some common types include:

  • Classical Libertarianism: Emphasizes the principles of natural law and individual rights.
  • Minarchism: Advocates for a minimal role of government, limited to protecting individual rights.
  • Anarchism: Calls for the abolition of all forms of government.

Criticisms of Libertarianism

WEB Libertarianism has faced some criticisms, including:

  • Economic Inequality: Critics argue that libertarianism's emphasis on individual freedom can lead to economic disparities.
  • Lack of Social Safety Net: Libertarianism's limited government role may result in a lack of social support for vulnerable individuals.
  • Impracticality: Some critics contend that libertarianism is an unrealistic and impractical philosophy in real-world settings.


WEB Libertarianism is a complex political philosophy that values individual liberty above all else. It offers a distinct perspective on the role of government, emphasizing minimal interference and the preservation of personal rights. While there are criticisms of its tenets, libertarianism remains an influential ideology that continues to shape political discourse.
